This house is a pentagonal timber turret where the concept of traditional chalet is re-elaborated with a contemporary attitude. This building was designed as a solar direct energy generating house, meaning that its energy demand is very low and consequently a centralized heating system as well as a controlled ventilation system is not necessary. Heating will be provided through solar passive gains, people and electrical appliances. The walls are made of wood which supports and insulates the building without the need of an additional insulating layer. Even though the roof has an irregular shape, the use of solar shingles with different geometries allows to obtain a homogeneous surface.

Rough sawn facade.

The building is located in the business park.
The traditional slate and shingle roofs in the Alpine region inspired the design of these frame-less and diamond-shaped photovoltaic modules. This installation principle guarantees optimal water-tightness and roof stability as the solar tiles are screwed directly into the sub-roof structure using a fitted sub-construction made of wood or stainless steel. The installation pattern and the seamless adaptation to the individual roof shape allow the creation of a homogeneous surface.