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The Allmend school complex stands for the intelligent management of scarce land resources. Thanks to multiple uses and creativity in the outdoor space...
The newly realised multi-generation house is the first integrated photovoltaic facade on a residential building in Davos, the building envelope combines modern timber construction with solar energy.
It is the first wood structure tower in French-speaking Switzerland with an active photovoltaic facade. The Malley Viaduct district is labelled Site 2000 watts and the new Malley Phare extension will meet...
This Plus Energy Building is located in a local heritage protection zone. The owners were thus adamant about integrating the PV installation into the landscape.
The "Collège des Parcs", a century-old building, was in need of major renovation and upgrading. As project owner, the City of Neuchâtel wants...
This small compact building, housing two flats, is characterised by the use of wood and a very low energy demand.
This latest edition delves into the integration of photovoltaic technology within architectural designs, showcasing a range of remarkable...
This new residential building designed and built in Stabio has received Minergie P-ECO / SNBS certification, and a commendation at the Active House Awards 2022. It is...
Switzerland has launched an innovative project known as “AlpineSolar”. Nestled high in the...
Digitalization is reshaping the construction sector, offering benefits...
With its rounded roof, this historic school building required a well-designed photovoltaic solution covering the entire surface and compatible with heritage protection.
This contest highlights the crucial interplay between solar energy and buildings in creating multifunctional...