Stadtwerke Konstanz Customer Center
  • Address
    Max-Stromeyer-Strasse 21a,
    78467 Konstanz, Germany
  • Location
    47°40’30” N | 9°09’45” E
  • Altitude
    401 MAMSL
The Energy Cube

This new customer centre is a four-storey building that generates more energy than it consumes. Energy is produced thanks to the large-sized photovoltaic modules integrated on the south facade and through  a geothermal plant that allows the building to be heated and cooled. The cubic shape was chosen because it is the most energy-efficient geometry for a building. The opaque surfaces of the other three facades are fitted with glass panes on the outside and acoustic panels on the inside. The east and north facades are equipped with LED lamps, which illuminate the building in different colours at night.

Night view of the building, alongside the transparent PV modules there are also opaque surfaces that can be illuminated at will using different coloured-LEDs.

Building characteristics
  • Building typology
  • Construction type
  • Year of construction
  • Gross floor area
    about 800 m²
  • Energy index
  • Energy labelling
  • Active solar surface
    230 m² (south facade)
  • Active solar surface ratio
    > 75% (south facade)
  • Peak power
    24.54 kWp
  • Building skin application
    Warm facade, Skylight
  • Self consumption
Energy production
n/a kWh

The south facade of the building is covered with semitransparent photovoltaic elements.

The 3.00 x 4.00 m glass-glass modules are custom-made and weigh more than one tonne.

BIPV module
  • Manufacturer
    Ertex Solar
  • Cell technology
  • Cell colour
  • Dimensions
    2988×3911 mm
  • Specific power
    1,246 kWp
Technical details

During the summer, the warm air in the ceiling area is hoovered over the space between the sliding windows and the triple glazing. In winter, the heat of the exhaust air, localized between the panes and additionally warmed by solar radiation, is passed through a heat exchanger to the outside. As a result, energy losses are minimized throughout ventilation. Additional automatically guided and reflective aluminum shutters, located in the air gap between the two facades, provide shade and at the same time direct daylight into the rooms, which reduces the use of artificial light.

  • Visit the details page
Hotspot image
Parties involved
  • Owner
    Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH
  • Architect
    Arnold Wild
  • Photovoltaic Installer
    Lindner Group, Arnstorf, Germany
  • Photovoltaic consultant
    Ertex Solar GmbH
  • Photo
    Stadtwerke Konstanz GmbH
  • Awards and recognitions


  • Building cost
    abt. 3,000,000 €

Semitransparent photovoltaic modules were used on
the south facade and on the skylight above the
stairwell. Credits: Ertex Solar.