A cultural district has grown in the former "Gundeldinger Feld" site of the Sulzer & Burckhardt AG machine factory in Basel. This old industrial area is under heritage protection and…
  • Address
    Gundeldinger Feld, Dornacherstrasse 192, 4053 Basel, Switzerland
  • Location
    47°32’29” N | 7°35’35” E
  • Altitude
    280 MAMSL
Innovating with colours

A cultural district has grown in the former “Gundeldinger Feld” site of the Sulzer & Burckhardt AG machine factory in Basel. This old industrial area is under heritage protection and the renovation required to match the style and colour scheme of the site. Roof and facades are covered with coloured PV modules. Every PV module is individually monitored and its efficiency is recorded to optimize the PV system and to study the effect of different colours on the performance. Some black monocrystalline modules on the roof function as reference for the electricity production monitoring.

Side view of the building.

Building characteristics
  • Building typology
  • Construction type
  • Year of construction
    1850, retrofit 2014
  • Energy reference surface
    673 m²
  • Energy index
    66 kWh/m²a (heating and electricity)
  • Energy labelling
  • Active Solar surface
    82 m² (roof), 77 m² (facades)
  • Active Solar surface ratio
    >75% (roof), <50% (facades)
  • Peak power
    12.8 kWp (roof), 11.2 kWp (facades)
  • Building skin 
    Solar tiles, cold facade
Energy production

The intention is to equip residential complexes, neighbourhoods and industrial areas without damaging the environment and the aesthetics of the site.

BIPV module
  • Manufacturer
    Swiss Inso, EPFL-PSE
  • Cell technology
  • Front glass type/customization
    Kromatix coloured solar glass
  • Cell colour
  • Dimensions
    1588x808x40 mm (roof), customized (facades)
  • Nominal power
    200 Wp (roof), 123 Wp (facades)
Technical details

The building envelope was thermally insulated and the roof was completely remodeled (only the structural beams remained from the old construction). Monocrystalline framed standard-size modules are integrated in the roof, whereas the cladding ventilated south and north facades consists of custom-sized frameless glass-glass modules and fiber cement panels in green, blue, grey, gold and black. The east and west facades are plastered.

Projection – Window
Hotspot image
Parties involved
  • Owners 
    Kantensprung AG
  • Architect
    Baüburo In situ AG
  • Photovoltaic installer
    Solvatec / AGROLA AG
  • Photovoltaic consultant
    Solvatec / AGROLA AG
  • Photo
    Swiss Inso, Martin Zeller, BFE
  • Awards and recognitions
    Swiss Solar Prize 2015

  • Costs
    Total cost: 1.2 Million CHF; cost of PV 125000 CHF
  • Acknowlegments
    Interreg V-A “BIPV meets History


    Operation co-financed by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund, the Italian Government, the Swiss Confederation and Cantons, as part of the Interreg V-A Italy-Switzerland Cooperation Program for the Project “BIPV meets history. Value-chain creation for the building integrated photovoltaics in the energy retrofit of transnational historic buildings” (ID n. 603882).

Close-up of the coloured modules used as facade cladding.