8 August 2022

The solar potential of India is about 748 GW assuming a 3% of the wasteland area to be covered by solar PV modules. India’s current solar power installed capacity (including ground mounted, rooftop and other offgrid installation) is around 49.3 GW at November 2021.
Left – Indian solar irradiation map, 2011 GeoModel Solar s.r.o.
Right – Indian PV potential and utilised potential, Government of India and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, “Solar Energy, Grid connected.” mnre.gov.in/solar/solar-ongrid.
The “Indian BIPV Report 2022: Status and Roadmap” has been developed by SUPSI-ISAAC and CSIR-NIIST. It aims to provide an overview of the Indian solar market by retracing historical milestones and the Country’s evolutionary process, including policies, regulations, technological improvements and case studies. The report provides insights to the stakeholders of the solar value chain by focusing on the integration of photovoltaic systems into the built environment. An overview of standard building technology systems and their solar potential is presented and discussed to support investors, manufacturers, architects, and the construction value chain stakeholders in making the timeliest decisions. Furthemorer, to construct future milestones in the Indian BIPV sector, an overview of the current scenario and deliberations on expected stakeholder efforts are also discussed to generate a critical roadmap. The crucial business model questions, barriers and boundary conditions are illustrated with actual data from some case studies realised in recent years in India.
The report is structured around four chapters to provide an in-depth overview of the status of solar PV installations in Indian buildings, possible implementations and BIPV roadmap contemplation. Seven BIPV case studies realised in India are presented at the end of the report, including an architectonic and energetic analysis of the showcase.
The Indian BIPV Report 2022 will be released the 11th of August as part of the i-Connect events organised under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, to celebrate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (India’s 75th Independence Day Celebrations). For further information please visit the following link.
SUPSI-ISAAC would like to acknowledge the Zurich University of Applied Sciences as Leading House for the bilateral research collaboration.
For more information, please contact the Swiss BIPV Competence Centre at pierluigi.bonomo@supsi.ch or by phone at +41 (0)58 666 63 51.