modello TRAINING

Le celle fotovoltaiche, elemento base dei moduli solari, funzionano grazie a un fenomeno fisico noto come effetto fotoelettrico.

BIPV Status Report 2024

The “BIPV Status Report 2024”, developed by SUPSI in collaboration with the Becquerel Institute, aims to provide actionable insights and guidance for stakeholders across the industry, from...

Cost-benefits comparison of Swiss BIPV case studies

The building skin surfaces represent a vast potential for decentralising renewable energy investments and...

Solar potential estimation models for facades

In architectural project development and real estate investments, accessing comprehensive information is...

Solaris #9

Currently, outwardly inclined photovoltaic modules are particularly in vogue. In today's competition projects they are integrated as parapet strips, facade panels...

Association for self-consumption (ZEV) – what is it about?

Implementing a photovoltaic installation is a first step towards shifting away from fossil fuels. To...

Solaris #7 – throwback to May 2023

Countless roofs and façades in urban areas are suitable for photovoltaic systems. But a strong solar expansion is not just a question of quantity, the quality and thus the design is also…


The project dealt with indoor and outdoor testing, with a detailed characterization of the modules in the laboratory and the measurement of of the energy production of coloured versus reference modules in the...

Solaris #2 – throwback to September 2018

Architects like to hide solar installations behind roof edges or layers of paint. This thematic notebook wants to go further. It asks...

Solaris #1 – throwback to January 2018

A real revolution is taking place. For the first time, the Solaris residential building combines the high living standards of Zurich architects with...
