BIPV in architecture – 40 years of evolution

The paradigm of sustainability and the increasing demand of nearly zero energy and plus energy buildings are rapidly transforming building skin technology from a passive barrier towards a sensible, active and adaptive interface. However innovation is not only technical or the ease with which something “just works”. The transfer of photovoltaics (PV) in solar buildings is a tangible “cause” of innovation in contemporary architecture and PV today is much more than a technical possibility: it is a new fundamental in building aesthetics, ethics and technology. Nevertheless BIPV is today still a niche market due to the fact that technological innovation in the building sector involves combined strengths to articulate collaboration between architecture and technical specialisms.

Lessons learned from the history of “technology in architecture” teaches that the transfer of new technologies in construction has a recurring process. The following examples show the evolution between design and technology, starting with the first relevant examples of integration in the early ’80 to the latest projects, where solar technology has become part of the architectural language.

  • Silo Bleu

    epure architecture et urbanisme sa

  • Multi-family House in Zwirnerstrasse

    René Schmid Architekten AG

  • Wohnhaus Solaris

    huggenbergfries Architekten AG

  • Grosspeter Tower

    Burckhardt+Partner AG

  • Copenaghen International School

    C.F. Møller Architects

  • Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre

    Renzo Piano Building Workshop

  • Multi-family House in Brütten

    René Schmid Architekten AG

  • House on the Mountain

    Juri Troy Architects

  • Solar Silo

    Arch. Kerstin Müller

  • Single family home Luisenstrasse

    Beat Wermuth und Partner Architekten GmbH

  • SwissTech Convention Centre

    Richter Dahl Rocha & Associés

  • New Tracuit Hut

    Savioz Fabrizzi Architects

  • + E Kita Marburg

    Opus Architekten

  • Flumroc Headquarter

    Viriden+Partner AG

  • Casa Solara

    Giovanni Cerfeda

  • Plus Energy Multi-family House

    TUOR Baumanagement AG

  • Hotel des Associations

    Collectif d'architectes Maggmas

  • Umwelt Arena

    René Schmid Architekten AG

  • Hofberg 6/7

    Fent Solare Architektur

  • Werkhof Mels

    Brunhart Brunner Kranz Architekten

  • Positive Energy House

    Luedi Architekten

  • Heizplan Solar Park

    atm3, Werner Vetsch

  • El Centre del Mon

    L35 Architects

  • 3M Italia Headquarters

    MCA (Mario Cucinella Architects)

  • Monte Rosa Hut

    ETH Studio

  • Logistic Centre V-Zug

    Betrix & Consolascio Architekten AG

  • Riedel Recycling

    Sputnik Engineering AG

  • Lauper Pilot Installation

    Solaire Suisse SA

  • Schiestlhaus

    ARGE pos architekten and Treberspurg & Partner Architekten

  • Schmölzer House

    Reto Miloni

  • Eco-Hotel Cristallina

    Michele e Francesco Bardelli

  • House in Dintikon

    Setz Architektur

  • Lerther Railway Station

    Gerkan Marg & Partners

  • Sunny Woods

    Beat Kämpfen

  • Tourism Office

    Jean-Francoise Rougé

  • Kraftwerk1 Hardturm

    Stücheli Architekten AG

  • Fire Station in Houten

    Samyn & Partners

  • 1_Eden Project_Grimshaw Architects

    Eden Project

    N. Grimshaw

    1_Eden Project_Grimshaw Architects

  • Mont-Cenis Academy

    Jourda e Perraudin

  • High School in Stadelhofen

    Stemmle Architekten

  • UBS Building

    Sam architekten + Partner AG, D. Schnebli, T. Ammann, S. Menz

  • Pompeu Fabra Library

    Miguel Brullet i Tenas

  • BP Solar Showcase

    Arup+Ove Arup & Partners

  • FEAT Building

    Claudio lo Riso

  • E.F.I. (Energie Forum Innovation)

    Frank O. Gehry & Partners

  • Reichstag building

    Sir Norman Foster & Partners

  • Wohnanlage Richter

    Thomas Herzog & Bernhard Schilling

Solarchitecture would like to thank the following undergraduate architecture students, from the Solar architecture design (Progettare l’Architettura Solare) class at University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), academic year 2017-2018, for their assistance in putting together the material: Alen Mendes Cristina; Barbera Lorenzo; Battaglia Camilla; Bellomo Lucas; Bernasconi Giorgia; Beselica Valon; Bianchino Jacobo; Colombo Martino; Giacomini Mattia; Giugliano Matteo; Gurini Viola; Orsega Christian; Pagliuca Alessandro; Rizzuti Lorenzo; Rodrigues Alessia; Roncaglione Luca; Sancho Felipe; Simone Diletta.