12 April 2023

The SWICE website is up and running. Fur further information about the project, living labs and news visit www.sweet.swice.ch.
SWICE (Sustainable Well-being for the Individual and the Collectivity in the Energy transition) is a research project sponsored by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy’s SWEET programme (Call1-2021 “Living and Working) and coordinated by the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
The SWICE project aims to identify and quantify the energy saving potential and opportunities for increased quality of life that can emerge from future urban scenarios involving new modalities of living and working, changes in mobility behaviours, and different business models.
The SWICE consortium structure accounts for a well-balanced participation of Swiss higher-education institutions, private and public entities, administrations and living labs, which guarantees the provision of adequate intellectual, infrastructural and financial resources for the project. The involved research disciplines span across Geography, Sociology, Social-Psychology, Transportation, Engineering, Economics and Architecture.
SWICE Workpackages: Attaining Project Success
The unique inter- and trans-disciplinary nature of the SWICE consortium will allow the creation of research synergies on multiple levels so as to tackle the energy transition’s objectives with a holistic approach.
The R&D work packages will enable the development of pilot and demonstration (P+D) projects which will build upon the early findings and methodological developments generated during the project.