Become a sponsor

Our platform is all about knowledge and inspiration. It not only offers exciting new building concepts, but also detailed insights about already built objects, construction details, products and much more.


The aim of the joint initiative of SUPSI, Swissolar and ETHZ is to promote the construction of solar buildings by focusing on architecture. Best practices and various implemented objects prove the current feasibility and quality of solar architecture in terms of aesthetics, construction and sustainability.

The interest in solar architecture is growing and appeals to an ever wider audience. With showcases, knowledge articles, news articles, event information, etc., we address a constantly growing target group of architects, planners, real estate investors and other potential customers of yours. As a sponsor, you can present yourself to this specific target audience and thus tap into further marketing potential.

Do not hesitate to contact us and learn more about the possibilities of a partnership and other forms of cooperation. We would be happy to organise a personal meeting with you.

We’re looking forward to get to know you. Contact us.