April to May 2024

Four days with lessons, tours of “case studies” located in Ticino and one workshop. Sources: SUPSI; homepage preview: Seraphina Neville.
SUPSI within the Institute of Applied Sustainability to the Built Environment (ISAAC) are pleased to invite you to participate in a new experiential course format specific related to the solar architecture: SOL(AR)CHITEC tour.
An “experience” course in direct contact with experts, laboratories, professionals and companies in the sector to provide concrete tools aimed at developing theoretical and practical skills on BIPV technologies.
It develops over a course of 4 half days: one at the SUPSI headquarters, two with visits to buildings located in Ticino (New Campus at Franklin University and DeltaZero) built and designed with integrated photovoltaic technologies and one at a leading BIPV component manufacturing company in the sector SUNAGE. All modules have both theoretical and practical/experiential parts.