
April 30.2020

IEA-SHC 6th Task 59 Meeting go virtual

The 6th Task 59 “Renovating Historic Buildings Towards Zero Energy” meeting took place on April 23-24 with the participation of SUPSI.


Task experts met for their 6th Task Meeting on April 23-24. One year from now, the Task will wrap up its work so experts are working hard on bringing together all the pieces, editing Task reports, and preparing other publications. The final Task results will be presented at SBE21 in Bolzano, Italy on April 14-16, 2021. This conference is dedicated to the sustainable improvement of the built heritage with a focus on “Renovating historic buildings towards a low carbon built heritage.” If you would like to get in touch and learn more about SBE21, please email sbe21heritage@eurac.edu. The conference website will be ready soon, but for now, please save the date.


If you have any questions on Task 59, please contact the OA, Alexandra Troi, Alexandra.Troi@eurac.edu.